Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds in India

Already, before we get going to the main part of this post, well, just know that there are more than 360 dog breeds in the world and that right there is a mind-boggling fact for many. But it’s true! You know, like, in different parts of the world, there are different dog breeds, the ones that have adapted to the local environment. Though, India’s weather is a little different all year around, and that’s why, it is not suitable for you to keep a dog breed as a pet that can’t handle the harshness of here’s climate, you know? That’s why there are some dog breeds preferred over others, and that’s precisely what we’re up to today. How? Oh, well, here we’re about to list down the top 10 most popular dog breeds in India, so let’s just get to it.

1. Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers are the most loved dogs in India, and to be honest, each and every one of us knows exactly why that is the case, right? You know, like, they are super friendly, intelligent, and easy to train, which are just some of the key reasons. It is not a hidden secret at all that these dogs are great with families and love to play. Though, don’t think they’re dumb or anything like that, you see, Labradors are super smart and make great service dogs as they are easy to train. All in all, Labra dogs are perfect for India, though, keep one thing in mind that usually, they live for about 10 to 14 years.

2. Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever

Have you ever heard someone say like “Oh, that person has the golden retriever energy!”? Well, that’s just to express the fun, friendly and always happy behaviour of someone because that’s how usually Golden Retrievers are, you know, fluffy, friendly, and always happy! That’s not it though, it has been seen that most often, Golden Retrievers are very obedient dogs, you know, that’s precisely why they kinda are super easy to train. And sure enough, they are great with kids and also get along with other pets.

3. German Shepherd

German Shepherd

Want a protective dog as a pet? Oh, well, the best option you have is a German Shepherd, but why exactly? Well, that’s just because these dogs usually are strong, smart, and protective. You know, like, they have serious-looking faces but they are very affectionate toward their families, just saying! Because of their thick fur, they need brushing on a regular basis. But their coat is well-suited to the climate of India if you take care of them.

4. Beagle


And then, well, Beagles may be small, but many people say that they have huge personalities! These playful dogs are full of energy and love to explore, you know? Keep one thing in mind though they are small, beagle dogs need some exercise every day as they will not fit in an apartment. Beagles have an excellent sense of smell, which sometimes gets them in trouble because they follow scents and wander off, but that’s just cute.

5. Indian Pariah Dog (Indie)

Indian Pariah Dog

Well yes, Indie dogs are India’s very own native breed, so they literally are the best options if you don’t want to care way too much for the dog because of specific climatic conditions or something like that. You know, they are usually very strong too, healthy and need very little grooming, which is the best bit people like about this dog breed. So, why not give this dog breed a try?

6. Rottweiler


Sure enough, by this point, we all know that Rottweilers are big, strong, and protective. Rottweilers are excellent guard dogs to have to protect your home. Moreover, they are great family pets as well. They can be trained for security and police jobs because they are that smart, you know? And on top of that, these dogs usually have short fur, making them great for India’s warm weather, which is the best bit about it all.

7. Boxer


You definitely were expecting this dog breed’s name on this list, right? Like, that’s just because Boxers are full of energy and always ready to play, which most of us like and find very cute. Though, it is not just all cuteness, you see, they are smart, affectionate, and very easy to train too. And sure enough, just like other dog breeds on this list, due to their short hair and low grooming needs, they are a good fit for Indian weather. They need plenty of exercise as they are quite an active breed.

8. Pug


Funny looking? But too cute as well! That’s what Pugs are famous for, you know, they are small, adorable, and super friendly. Sure enough, they are a great choice for apartments since they don’t need a lot of room for physical activity. Keep one thing in mind though, since they have flat faces, they may experience breathing troubles in very hot weather.

9. Rajapalayam


Coming up next, well, how about a native dog breed that comes from the southern part of the country, is strong, and also pretty independent? Well, for those who didn’t get it, yes, we’re talking about the Rajapalayam dog breed, which usually has amazing/stunning-looking white fur and a bit of muscular build. In a way, yes, they look majestic, and that’s what a lot of people right here in India like.

10. Dachshund


Alright, we’re at the last spot of this list, so, let’s talk about one more famous and most preferred dog breed, and that would be the Dachshunds. Sure, they’re small, but cuteness is overloaded with Dachshund dogs, and that’s precisely what so many people adopt them for. They’re small, but they live as long as 12 to 16 years, and with those short legs, when they walk or run, they look super cute. It’s just pure cuteness!


That’s all. If you’re thinking of keeping a dog as a pet, then surely, you must be thinking of these dog breed options, right? If not, you can specifically search up about dog breeds and see which ones can handle India’s climatic conditions really well, and we’d say that you should make a decision based on that.

Hemant Sharma

By Hemant Sharma

Hemant Sharma is a passionate writer at, bringing you insightful content on India's trending stories, news, culture, heritage, travel, lifestyle and more.

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